Tax Services
The type of structure you trade on can have taxation implications as well as others. We can advise on the various options for trading and the pluses and minuses of each.
Whether it be
- Sole Trader
- Partnership
- Company
- LTC Company
- Trust
Whilst we are always keen to recommend “Keep it Simple” where possible, each structure has its own idiosyncrasies and we can explain these to you so that you make an informed decision BEFORE implementation.
GST legislation is an area we know like the back of our hand. We can offer accurate, timely assistance in several areas, including:
- Registration queries
- Preparing GST returns
- Filing and adjusting GST returns
- IRD audit assistance
- Specialist events involving GST, for example, sale or purchase of property
Greenfire offers a full range of taxation services. Our taxation consulting division is nationally recognised and we offer advice based on proven knowledge and experience. Our proactive approach ensures we deliver consistent service and build solid relationships that stand the test of time.
Taxation can be a major cost to your business. We will work with you to minimise your tax and help you achieve your key objectives. We provide a complete service of assistance and advice in each of these areas:
- Preparing personal and company tax returns
- Advice on tax payments
- GST/FBT/ACC obligations
- Tax Purchases – advice & explanation of how tax trading can assist you in meeting your obligations and assisting in cashflow management.
- Managing any IRD audits or disputes